Monday, May 3, 2010

New Hobby

So, i love being a stay at home mom. It gives me a chance to find hidden talents and develop new hobbies. When I met Russell, I never cooked and didn't really care to know how. But, ever since i have become a mom and have had more time for the domestic stuff in my life I have found out that I really like to cook dinners. I still dont really like to bake very much (but i think that is a good thing because baking only makes you fat). I like trying to develop new ideas and use new ingredients and make it look delicious. Russell and i have a rating scale that we judge each dinner on and my goal is to make each days better than the last and so far it has pretty much been working.

First Smile Picture

This is the first really good smile we have captured on camera. He loves to smile and is so happy all the time. It is so fun having him around - especially when he smiles!